
October 27, 2009

The cat and i
sit around the house
listening to old tunes:
old and new.

The music whirls around me,
reminding me of who
i am and was.

I remember the time
when i was playing the house
to try and secure the prize
not knowing that like music the song
had already been written
long before I wrote it.

How i tried to change
the notes,
the melody,
the mood…

Here i am now,
years later
still thinking about
that tune.

Old smiles, laughs and cries.
The sincere jokes, the new experiences, the mark in time.
The trip, the travel and the destination

Lance M Pope – 27 October 2009

Inverted Pyramid

October 21, 2009

upside down dollar

I recently saw a David Ike video and this image came up.  I duplicated it with some modifications. I’m currently getting responses for this image.  So far it has evoked controversy.

“Your upside down pyramid evokes pleased ammusement in me.”

“load of bollocks… over and out”

“Makes me think of my old company’s logo – ‘Fidelity Investments’ – which is supposed to be based on this actual Pyramid and Sun combo from the dollar bill. …I bet you weren’t expecting a comment like that.!?”

Gas Bike

October 21, 2009

I’ve recently bought an electric bike.  My father told me about a gas powered bike.  Here’s a link to a gas powered bike.